Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kind Hippies and Whales in Distress: A Match Made in Heaven

This is a truly, truly amazing and heartwarming video. A guy on a small boat with his family (it's not entirely clear whether he's a real marine biologist, or has become an 'unofficial expert') finds a humpback whale hopelessly tangled in a nylon fishing net, unable to swim, and on the verge of drowning. Armed with only a small knife, a snorkel and a few hours, they try to set it free...

Now, let's not forget how huge these animals are.

It was actually incredibly dangerous to get in the water with it the way he did, a fact he acknowledges. Kindof. In a hippy-dippy free-the-whales kind of way. Anyway, watch to see what happened...

It's quite a coincidence I stumbled on this video today; you know Nick and I went to Tadoussac last weekend. Tiny town at the confluence of the Saguenay and the St-Laurent where fresh river water meets the salty water of the sea, which creates great conditions for krill and other whale-food. Long story short, there are tonnes of whales there. We went whale-watching in a little tiny boat, and it was just like in the photo - the whales were that close! We saw all kinds of whales. The biggest was a fin whale (second largest animal on earth), as well as dozens of frolicking belugas (they're an endangered species). Anyway, a wonderful experience.

We could even see them from shore! (i brought mommy's binoculars along, which was handy).
Anyway, I'm rambling. Long story short, whales are amazing, go to Tadoussac, watch this video.... possibly smoke a joint.

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