Monday, October 24, 2011

Eye Spy

The London Eye is a 135-metre tall giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames, in London. I'm sure you guys have seen it...
Nick and I went on it in 2007 (we look youuuuunnnggg, weird). And it offers pretty incredible views of London.

Anyway, all that to say that you can see the reflection of the London Eye in the Thames from Google Earth, which I think is pretty beautiful.

Cool, huh? Fun fact, Big Ben is also in this photo, but it's hard to find if you don't know where to look.See the tube station sign in the bottom left corner of the photo? about a centimetre below it, slightly to the right, that little pyramid-like structure? That's it!

Other cool fact? You can tell what time the photo was taken at based on the direction of the shadow (shadow pointing westward --> sun coming from the East --> Early AM)

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