Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lana Del Rey - VideoGames

This song and vid will put you in a dream of lazy California youth wasted in the sun.

PS: and the dubstep remix, which is not superior by any stretch, but good.

PPS: If you're at all interested in the backstory about this girl (who's actually named Lizzie Grant, is from New York, and tried and failed to break into the pop scene in 2009 - back when she had smaller hair, less gorgeously ducky lips, and no backing from the record industry). This song, released online, has gone totally viral. It was even been named single of the year before it was released. But there are speculations that its release and spread were artfully manipulated by her industry backers..Indeed, I tried to find an interview with the girl on youtibe, and could not find a single clip of the girl talking... Anyway, I don't think it matters, the song is beautiful.

PPPS: Here's Adam Ginzburg's blog post on the song.

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