Friday, October 21, 2011

Psychologists: Leaders are Four Times as Likely as the Average Person to be Psychopaths

While we're on the topic of psychos, did you know that according to psychologists, leaders are four times as likely as the average person to be psychopaths (though they tend to be sloppy in their work duties)...

A study by psychologist Paul Babiak indicates that one in twenty-five leaders could be a psychopath. This affliction could actually be an advantage in a workplace:

The survey suggests psychopaths are actually poor managerial performers but are adept at climbing the corporate ladder because they can cover up their weaknesses by subtly charming superiors and subordinates.

This makes it almost impossible to distinguish between a genuinely talented team leader and a psychopath, Babiak said. Hare told Horizon: “The higher the psychopathy, the better they looked – lots of charisma and they talk a good line.

More in this article from The Guardian (1 September 2011)

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