Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anti-Meth Meth PSA's

You've probably seen these already, but Darren Aronofsky (Director of Black Swam and Requiem for a Dream) has created a series of anti-drug PSA that are as shocking as they are, I feel/hope effective.
they all start out with a seemingly benign shot of the user. Then the camera pulls out to reveal a scene of horror meant to illustrate what you’re getting yourself into if you decide to try Meth, and it ain’t pretty.
They are brutal and scary, and hopefully effective.

I don't think Aronofsky did this one, but it's scary, too.

1 comment:

  1. In an unrelated but serendipitous twist, I have just gotten into the TV show "Breaking Bad", about a high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and gets into the meth business, motivated by desire to leave money for his family, and to be able to cover the costs of his treatment.... It's heartbreakingly well-written, and the acting is superb. Also just generally hella entertaining.

