Friday, April 15, 2011

One photo every day

Upon turning 30, this man embarked on what sounds like a very simple, pretty cool project: to take one photo every day, and, no matter what, to post it to the internet before bed that night. Looking back on the experience, and on the (gorgeously photographed) fruits of his year's labour, his musings are stirring and beautiful. About the fleetingness of moments, the imperfection of memory, the impermanence of all things... (sounds like a bit of a downer, but it's actually not! :)

TODAY from m ss ng p eces on Vimeo.

He leaves it on this note...

No matter what you do in your life, what you create, what career you have, whether you have a family or kids, or make a lot of money… your greatest creation is always going to be your life’s story. Because it’s like this container that holds all of those other things. That was something I was really interested in with this project, thinking about life itself as a creation, as a story that you’re writing.”
~ Jonathan Harris

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quebec Freedom Network

I think this is a very encouraging development for Quebec politics. I just don't know if the appetite exists in Quebec for these kinds of ideas

Check out the article here

Monday, April 11, 2011

Moby - The Day (lifelike remix)

New single recorded in a hotel room in Barcelona

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chris Rock on race and "progress"

Interviewer: How do you think things have changed over the last couple of decades?
CR: Umm... white people have gotten less crazy. (...) You can say there is progress and all this, but... when you say it's "progress", you're acting like what happened before wasn't crazy. You know what I mean. So, "Oh, segregatio, we've made a lot of progress and there is no more segregation"... Segregation is re-tarded!..."

Dad and little daughter sing a 90's classic

This is the cutest, the absolute cutest.