Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ahoy, ahoy


Baba, wonderful job on the inaugural post: insightful, personal, and entertaining (I am listening to Sky Blue Sky now, it's lovely). It came at a great time, too. Yesterday, I was just sitting around, and not doing too much, (like this)

Until, late in the evening, I went online and read your post, and it just made my day.
It also inspired me to get going on this wonderful fraternal blogging project.
As the Chinese philosopher Laozi said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - and you know those Chinese philosophers, they're never wrong. And so, as a result of your post, the performance anxiety I was weirdly experiencing about making a super witty/fascinating/mind-blowing first entry is gone! Phew.

What a nice space this is. In the course of a day, I so often come across fascinating internet tid-bits, with not that many people to share them with! (I send them to Nick, but he already has a ridiculous back-log of 'check this out' emails to go through... plus, he has a sneaking suspicion that all this internet trawling takes lots of time, and that I don't work as much as I could as a result. Soooooooooooo crazy, I know. He totally makes me lolz sometimes).

Anyway, on my end, there isn't that much to report. I am a little lonely these days, actually. There aren't that many people in Oxford at this time of year, and my roommate is in Scotland for ten days. As such, I will sometimes go entire days having spoken only to the person who served my coffee. I am also in a bit of a nebulous place work-wise -- or rather, it can feel that way. I go through waves of feeling like, hey, you've got this PhD. And in those moments of inspiration and confidence, all is well and I put dents in my work little by little and I am not discouraged by a recent forced trip back to the drawing board. And then at other moments, I feel like I'm doggy-paddling tiredly with no shore in sight. Those aren't the best. I think the real issue is that I go a little crazy with little to no human contact, which, when added to my natural tendencies towards self-inflicted sleep deprivation, compulsive behaviours of various kinds, and an eagerness to escape into novels rather than face what's bothering me, can lead to some weeeeird outcomes (Hannah's cats will be happy to tell you).

All that to say that this little blog will have the added advantage of helping me preserve my sanity whilst livin' the Oxford dream. Yess!

As you talked about Baba, we really have begun to go our own ways in life, the three of us, and we have worlds of our own now -- worlds that we've partly discovered, partly crafted. It's a wonderful thing, but it is especially so when our experience can be shared, somehow, like here.
Talk soon les boys!

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