Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tell me what you know about dreams...

Igen torotosh remember a while back when I texted you about having a dream that my teeth were falling out? I knew it had some significance and strangely, I believe in that kind of stuff so I asked you what it meant. You told me that big changes were coming in my life.

Well sure enough it happened and I have to say I'm getting used to the big change. I'm saying all this to know if you can relate (maybe on an even larger scale given Penn/Oxbridge) and that this might be what you guys have experienced at Marianopolis too.. Is there much more to come?

I might have just hit the tip of the iceberg, but sometimes I feel like I'm getting to know where I'm going with my life. I guess I want to find out know just how to make the best decisions to get where I not only need to go, but also you know.. where I want to go. I don't mean I'm fucking up in school, actually quite the contrary because things are looking pretty good this semester, but the same way big changes came into my life, big decisions come with it too, just like uncle Ben said: "With great power comes great responsibility".

A lot of thought come through my head.. Like should I just keep going and it will all come together or.. should I make a plan... or should I think about traveling somewhere soon? University's coming at me soon and trust me there is no way you feel weirder hearing it that I feel saying it...

Anyways it's been nice to vent some existential words of wisdom, but I need to get to bed..

kind of feel like this guy right now...

P.S. In terms of materialism, my room and my car are also pretty trippy..

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