Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Film: Requiem for a Dream

After watching Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream last night, it inspired me to start a weekly (more or less) post of film reviews by various auteurs, directors and film studios. The movies can be new or old, American or foreign, ranging from blockbuster hits to an independent films. OK enough pretentiousness.. Actually, to be honest, most of the time it won't even be reviews since I might just ask you guys to see the movie or I'll talk about a movie that you've already seen or something...

So this is less of a review and more of a suggestion. For any of you that haven't seen it, I highly recommend it and you really get a look at how original and unique Aronofsky's film making style it. Also, his approach to the central theme of the movie is very well depicted and even though his movies might be really deep, they're always understandable and they don't leave you all mind fucked at the end, trying to figure out wtf just happened (a la 2001: A Space Odyssey) . Anyways it's also his second movie, and perhaps a true showcase of the talent of some lesser known actors and actresses. This was his second film.

Note: I read online after watching it that there is an edited version of the movie which was made to comply with some FAA stuff... Here's the quote from wikipedia: "An edited version of the film was released on video, rated R. This version had the sex scene shortened, but kept the rest of the movie identical to the unrated version. This R-rated version was only distributed in video store chains such as Blockbuster as well as some family-oriented department stores such as Target." Guess where I bought mine!! The director said that he thinks anything removed from the film will take away form it's integrity and that every minute matters, so it's up to you to decide wether you want a longer sex scene. However, I also believe that the unrated version has a cooler cover (the cover illustrated at the beginning of the article) than the edited one.



  1. PS. I invite all of you to do the same!!

  2. Aye aye Cap'n! ...Hmm, I need to start watching movies then. I think I'll make a new routine, like, see a movie every Wednesday or something like that. Once a week.

    Ok, new New Year's resolution! (to add to already established resolutions: 1) don't sleep in, 2) manage time in a more disciplined way (etabloish routines and stick to them), 3) cool it on the blogs (not WoB! :) and 4) go for 3 long runs a week.
    Sounds reasonable, right?

    But yes, agreed baba. Thanks for those impressions, and looking forward to getting on board!
