Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bernie Sanders -- Bernie, Fucking, Sanders

So what is one way to go forward, other than savage cuts for programs for the most vulnerable people in this country? (...)
Why does anyone think it is moral or right to move towards deficit reduction on the backs of the weak and the vulnerable? I understand -- and I know something about politics -- I do understand that the parents of kids who are in Head Start do not make large campaign contributions, and I know that the senior citizens of thic ountry who need some help for social security do not make large campaign contributions -- I undersrtand that. I understand that college students desperately trying to go through college on a Pell Grant do not make large campaign contributions. But there is a sense of morality here that we have to deal with, and I think it makes no sense, I think it is immoral, I think it is bad economics to balance the budget on the backs of working families while we give continued tax breaks to those people who don't need it.

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