Saturday, March 19, 2011

The debate ends here.

Alex, Alex, Alex...You know what the problem here is?

You're just not a good young liberal white person. I love you and all, but there it is.
I can't have a dialogue with someone who works for a living, who pays these taxes I wish to disperse into the ether of human need, who has no aspirations that involve graduate school, or marrying an indie-ish chick with bangs (and perhaps an ironic tattoo). You may have gone to an Ivy League School, and wish to live by a body of water one day, but that's incidental... it's all incidental (Plus I think Wharton is like a small island of not-Ivyness in the otherwise beautiful clear Blue of the archipelago).
You don't even drink coffee, for fuck's sake.

All you need to know is that I am a sociologist -- it is inscribed in the genealogy of my very profession to know what's best for poor people (this is also, incidentally, inherent to my whiteness ...Double-Rainbow.)

I work with immigration detainees, I am sensitive to the injustice of the world, and I am all 'round a more advanced person.
So just trust me on these things, ok?

( I know baba's with me on this. Hey, bro, facebook me)


  1. hahah Eve this is brilliant stuff... Alex is just a raging capitalist monster is all. I wonder what Julian Mangan would have to say on the matter?

  2. Probably like, "Fuck the po'lice" (that's his answer to everything)
